Managing the open source software complexity with platforms?

  • Post category:Uncategorized
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The last couple of days I was working on a new setup for software development. I was surprised (actually somewhat irritated) by the efforts needed to get things working.

All the components I needed did not seem to work together: Eclipse, PHP plugin, Git plugin, html editor.

The same happened earlier when setting up for a Python project and some APIs (one based on Python 2, the other on Python 3).

I am still trying to think through what is the core problem. So far I can see that the components and platform are designed to integrate, but the tools all depend on small open-source components in the back, which we find incompatible between the components. 

Maybe there should be a less granular approach to these things, and we should move to (application) platforms. Instead of picking components from GitHub while building our software, get an assembled platform of components. Somebody, or rather, somebody, would assemble and publish the open source platforms, periodically, say every 6 months.

Modern tools for development and operations

  • Post category:DBAOTM
  • Reading time:3 mins read

In the previous section I explained that green screen interfaces still exist for administrative tasks. But even for these kinds of work there are modern tools with contemporary interfaces. z/OS itself and almost all middleware running on z/OS can be managed with web-based tools, Eclipse-based tools for z/OS, or nowadays more and more Visual Studio Code based tools for z/OS. Furthermore almost all administration tasks on z/OS can be invoked from external tools through REST APIs. More and more development and operations functionality will be made available only in this modern kind of tool sets.

The standard Eclipse-based tool for z/OS that you can download for free is called z/OS Explorer. This tool is a desktop client interfacing with z/OS. Many mainframe tools and middleware solutions provide plug-ins for this tool.

z/OS Explorer
Figure – z/OS Explorer

Considering development tools, there are a number of modern options for the mainframe. IBM has developed an Eclipse-based development tool called IBM Developer for z/OS (IDz). The software company Compuware sells a set of tools for mainframe development called Topaz. There are also open source tools and plugins, like the IBM Z Open Editor for Visual Studio.

These modern tools provide a development experience for z/OS applications that is very similar to the experience you have when you develop applications for other platforms, like Java, PHP or Python. Support for developing and debugging mainframe languages such as COBOL and PL/I is supported in the tools, but also Java is supported. As importantly it provides plugins for interacting with middleware such as Db2, MQ, CICS and IMS.

IBM, CA, BMC and other vendors provide many modern tools for the administration of specific middleware in your organization.

Finally, a recent development is the open source project called Zowe. This project is a collaboration of a number of mainframe software vendors and aims to provide an open source software framework for development and operations teams to securely, manage, control, script and develop for z/OS like any other cloud platform.

In separate chapters I will discuss a little bit more on the modern application development and operations architecture tools for z/OS, and on modern monitoring architecture and tools.