Noise reduction

  • Post category:Principles
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The principle of noise reduction in software systems improves software systems by removing inessential parts and options and/or making them invisible or only visible to selected users.

Reducing the options in a software solution increases usability. This goes for user interfaces as well as technical interfaces. We decide what an interface looks like and stick to it. All-too-famous examples of noise reduction are the Apple iPod and the Google search page.

Adding features for selected users means adding features and under-the-hood complexities for all clients.

Reducing options also makes the software more robust. If we build fewer interfaces, we can improve them. We can focus on really doing well with the limited set of interfaces.

In practice, we see hardware and software tools have many options and features. That is not because software suppliers desperately want to give their customers all the options but because we, their customers, are requesting these options. Software suppliers may view all these requests more critically. Some do.

Let’s aim to settle for less. We shouldn’t build more every time we can do with less just because we can. Also, we shouldn’t ask our suppliers to create features that are nice to have.

There are always more options, but let’s limit the options to 4 or better: 1.


  • Post category:Principles
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Some companies have made a business model out of technology hypes. These are the same companies that tell the market what it needs by asking the market. Of course, this comes with an invoice mentioning generous compensation. These companies write classy reports with colorful graphics in which they advise organizations to do what the organizations tell them to do.

But hypes are for techies. Techies may feast on technology, but for organizations, jumping on hypes can be a risky and costly pastime.

There are two types of hypes. Hypes can be about something new. Other hypes are just reformulations of existing things, recycled ideas.

But hypes are hypes: they will go away. The vast majority of hypes disappear into thin air. The techie may have learned from them. Some remain. It might be valuable if a technology is still around after a few years. But usually, the stuff will not be as groundbreaking and revolutionary as predicted when announced by the hype cycle company, that is, by the market itself.

Blockchain, anyone?

Some hypes are recycled ideas. We have no memory, and we don’t read textbooks. SOA, AI, microservices, and technical advancements are wrapped in shiny new names and gift papers, so they appear to be a gift from your software supplier or consultancy company.

Think Globally, Act Locally applied to IT

  • Post category:Principles
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Solution architects should consider the enterprise impact of architectural decisions.

Solution architects must ignore enterprise directions if these lead to local inefficiencies or have other predominantly negative local effects.

There is a significant difference between the clean 30000-foot view (sometimes referred to as the air castle) and the muddy reality on sea level.

Gear Acquisition Syndrome

Photographers tend to suffer from Gear Acquisition Syndrome. They believe they will make better pictures with new gear and buy new lenses, cameras, and flashlights.

Then they find their work does not improve.

In IT, we do the same.

We have our old relational database management system.

But now we have this great Spark, MongoDB, CouchDB, or what have you. (I’m just taking a not-so-random example.) So now everything must be converted to Spark or Mongo.

We even forget that this old technology, the relational DBMS in this example, was so good at reliably processing transactions. It worked!

The new database is massively scalable, which is great. Unfortunately, it does not improve the reliability of processing our transactions.

But it’s hot, so we want it—because Google has it. Errr, but will you also use it to process web page indexes? Ah, no. You want to store your customer records in it. So, is it reliable? No. But it is satisfying our GAS.


  • Post category:Principles
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The abstraction principle in software systems allows us to create more generically usable software components.

Abstraction removes details from the problem space and thus makes it easier to think about problems and solutions. This principle lets us focus on problems by reducing complexity.

Abstraction makes software components more reusable: code for specific problems is abstracted to code that applies to a broader class of problems.

The process of abstraction, or generalization, removes specific attributes or functions and replaces these with general counterparts. The abstract components can be made specific through parameters or inheritance.

Abstraction is also a modeling technique that allows logical grouping of software structures so they can be better designed, realized, and maintained. Through this grouping, a complex software solution is methodically chopped up into smaller pieces that can be handled better in all phases of a software system lifecycle.

Examples of abstraction in software systems:

The OSI networking model abstracts communication protocols in functional layers.

Messaging middleware solutions abstract the connectivity logic from the application.

Picasso’s bull

The 80/20 principle

  • Post category:Principles
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The 80/20 principle also known as the Pareto principle applies to many areas.

The most common application of the principle is in the assessment of a project effort: 20% of the effort produces 80% of the job to be do done. Or the other way around, the last 20% of the work to be done will take 80% of the effort.

In IT, the principle applies also similarly to requirements versus functionality: 20% of the requirements determine 80 procent of the architecture. 20% of the requirements are the important ones for the core construction of a solution.

The principe thus tells you to focus on the 20% important requirements that determine the architecture. It helps you shrink the options you need to consider and prioritize and focus on the important parts of the solution.

The question is of course: which of the requirements are the important ones. The experience of the architect helps here. But in general you will realize while analysing requirements, if a requirement will need a significant change or addition to the solution.

A good book about the 80/20 principle is the book with the same name: The 80/20 Principle, by Richard Koch.

An example from an practitioner architecting an airline reservation system.

“The first time I (unconsciously) applied the 80/20 rule was in my early days as an architect. I was working with a team of architects on application infrastructure for completely new web applications. A wide variety of applications were planned to run on this infrastructure. However, it was not clear yet what the characteristics, the volumes, response time needs, concurrent users et cetera were for these applications, and that made it uncertain what we needed to cater for in this generic hosting solution.

So we decided to walk through the known use cases for the different applications.

We worked our way through four of the tens of applications. During the fourth we somehow could not come up with additional requirements for the application infrastructure. We realized that the rest of the set of applications would ‘only’ be a variety of one of the apps wealready looked at. So we had our 80% from looking at just 20%.”