Testing the IBM Workload Scheduler API

We see REST API’s appearing on many middleware tools. In a previous post I have talked about the REST API on MQ. I have also been playing around with the IBM Workload Scheduler (IWS) REST API.

The API is very promising. You can use it for automation of IWS administration, but also in your daily business operation.

A major thing that the API lacks is support for certificate-based authentication. This is incomprehensible since the application that provides the API is a normal Liberty application, just like we MQ Web application providing the MQ API’s that I mentioned before. Apparently the people in Hursley do a more thorough programming job then their IWS brothers (not sure where they are located after IBM made the silly move to outsource IWS development to HCL).

Here my Python program to do the most rudimentary test through the API: get engine info.

(I have left in some code commented out that I used to test certificate authentication.)

import requests



host = "https://yourserver.com:1603"
# your server
baseapiurl = "/twsz" 
# your request url - engine name is your instead of YRTW
getrequest = "/v1/YRTW/engine/info"
api_url = host + baseapiurl + getrequest

request_headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

#cert_file_path = "/your/pythonprograms/dwc-client-ssl-xat.crt"
#key_file_path = "/your/pythonprograms/dwc-client-ssl-xat.privkey"
#cert = (cert_file_path, key_file_path)
# data = {'api_dev_key':API_KEY,
#        'api_option':'paste',
#        'api_paste_code':source_code,
#        'api_paste_format':'python'}

data = """{
  "hasDatabasePlan": true,
  "locale": "string",
  "timezone": "string",
  "timezoneEnable": true,
  "roleBasedSecurityEnabled": true,
  "type": "string",
  "version": "string",
  "apiLevel": 0,
  "featureLevel": 0,
  "hasModel": true,
  "hasPlan": true,
  "enableRerunOpt": true,
  "engineType": "string",
  "ltpStartDate": "2022-02-16T13:48:01.978Z",
  "ltpEndDate": "2022-02-16T13:48:01.978Z",
  "dbTimezone": "string",
  "planTimezone": "string",
  "workstationName": "string",
  "domainName": "string",
  "synphonyRunNumber": 0,
  "synphonyScheduledDate": "2022-02-16T13:48:01.978Z",
  "synphonyBatchManStatus": "string",
  "synphonyStartOfDay": 0,
  "masterDomain": "string",
  "masterWorkstation": "string",
  "synphonyFileName": "string",
  "synphonyPlanStart": "2022-02-16T13:48:01.978Z",
  "synphonyPlanEnd": "2022-02-16T13:48:01.978Z",
  "synphonySize": 0,
  "synphonyStartTime": "2022-02-16T13:48:01.978Z",
  "synphonyFound": true,
  "enableLegacyStartOdDayEvaluation": true,
  "dbStartOfDay": "string",
  "rdbmsSchema": "string",
  "rdbmsUser": "string",
  "rdbmsType": "string",
  "rdbmsUrl": "string",
  "fipsEnabled": true,
  "regardlessOfStatusFilterEnabled": true,
  "executorList": [
      "application": "string",
      "namespace": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "factory": "string",
      "supportedOS": "string",
      "stoppable": true,
      "restartable": true,
      "labels": {
        "additionalProp1": "string",
        "additionalProp2": "string",
        "additionalProp3": "string"
      "id": "string",
      "xsdResourceName": "string",
      "cancelSupported": true,
      "supportedWorkstation": "string"
  "auditStore": "string",
  "auditModel": "string",
  "auditPlan": "string",
  "licenseType": "string",
  "licenseJobNumber": 0,
  "licenseSendDate": 0,
  "wasFirstStartDate": 0,
  "licenseError": "string"

    response = requests.get(api_url, auth=('ZOSUSER', 'PASSWORD'), verify=False, headers=request_headers)
    # use this whenever they get certificates working
    #response = requests.get(api_url, cert=cert, verify=False, headers=request_headers)

except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:



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