In or Out: let’s get the mainframe legacy over with now

In many mainframe shops – organizations using applications that run on the mainframe – senior management struggle with their isolated, expensive, complicated mainframe environment. 

  • The mainframe investment is a significant part of your IT budget, needing to board-level decision making.
  • It is unclear if the value of your mainframe investment is in line with its value.
  • Mainframe applications are often core applications, deeply rooted in organizational processes.
  • Business innovation capacity is limited by legacy applications and technology.
  • Too much is spent on maintenance and continuity, too little on innovation.

At the same time, the misalignment increases.

The organization moves to a cloud model for their IT – what is the mainframe position in that respect?

The mismatch between Enterprise Architecture and mainframe landscape is increasing.

Organizational and technical debt is building up in the mainframe environment, maintenance and modernization are postponed and staff is aging.

A decision must decide whether to throw out the mainframe legacy or revitalize the environment, but they have far from complete information to make a good judgment.

Divestment options

Let’s look at the divestment options you have when you are stuck in this situation.

Rehost the platform, meaning, move the infrastructure to another platform or to a vendor. 

This solves a small part of the problem, namely the infrastructure management part. Everything else remains the same. 

Retire all applications on the mainframe platform. Probably the cleanest solution in the divestment strategy. However, this option is only viable if replacing applications is available and speedy migration to these applications is possible.

Replace through repurchase, meaning replace your custom solution with another off-the-shelf solution, whether on-premise or in a SaaS model. This is only an option if, from a business perspective, you can live with the standard functionality of the package solution. 

Replace through refactoring is an option for application where special functionality support distinguishing business features that can not be supported in off-the-shelf applications. Significant development and migration efforts may be needed for this approach.

A total solution will likely be a combination of these options, depending on application characteristics and business needs.

The investment option

The Investment option is a stepwise improvement process, in multiple areas, depending on the state of the mainframe applications and platform. Areas include application portfolio readjustments, architecture alignments, application and infrastructure technology updates, and processes and tools modernization.

Depending on the state of the environment, investments may be significant. Some organization have neglected their mainframe environment for a decade or longer, and have a massive backlog to address. In some cases the backlog is so big, that divestment is the only realistic option. (As an example, one organization needed to support multiple languages, including Chinese and Russian, in their business applications. After 10 years of maintenance neglect of the middleware, the only option they had was to abandon their strategic application platform. This brings excessive costs, but more important for the organization’s competitiveness, technical debt hits at the most inconvenient moments.)

To find the best option for your organisation you should consider at least the following aspects:

  • Cost of value.
  • Alignment of business goals, enterprise architecture, and mainframe landscape.
  • Position of the mainframe landscape in your application portfolio.
  • Mainframe application portfolio lifecycle status and functional and strategic fit.
  • Technical vitality of your mainframe environment.
  • The operational effectiveness of DevOps and infra teams.
  • Cloud strategy and mainframe alignment.

A thorough analysis of these aspects funnels into a comprehensive improvement plan for business alignment, architectural adjustments, and operational fit. Execution of this plan must be not just agreed, upon but actively controlled by senior business and IT management. A steering body is needed to address challenges quickly. Senior business and IT management and controlling business and enterprise architects should be represented in the steering body to make sure agreed goals remain on target.

Thus, you reseize control over your mainframe again.

25 wishes for the mainframe anno 2023

I listed my wishes for the mainframe. Can we have this please ?

For our software and hardware suppliers:

  1. Continuous testing, at reasonable cost.

Continuous testing is not an option anymore. For the speed that modern agile software factories need, continuous functional, regression and performance testing are mandatory. But with mainframes, the cost of continuous testing quickly become inhibitive. Currently all MSUs are the same, and the new testing MSUs are driving the hardware and more importantly the MLC software costs through the roof. 

Please not through yet another impractical License model (see later).

  1. Real Z hardware for flexible Dev & Test. 

For reliable and manageable regression and performance testing, multiple configurations of test environments are needed, on real Z hardware. The emulation software zPDT or zD&T is not fit-for-purpose and not a manageable and maintainable solution for these needs.

  1. Some problem, same solution for our software suppliers.

Customers do not want to notice that development teams of IBM / CA/Broadcom / Compuware / BMC / HCL /  Rocket / … are geographically dispersed (pun). Please let all your software developers in your company work the same way, on shared problem. 

  1. Sysplex is not an option but a given.

Everything sysplex-enabled by default please. Meaning, ready for data sharing, queue sharing, file sharing, VIPA, etcetera.

  1. Cloud is not an option but a given.

I do not mean Saas. I mean everything is scripted and ready to be automated. Everything can be engineered and parameterised once and rerun many times.

  1. Open source z/OS sandbox for everyone (community managed– do we want to help with this?).

Want to boost innovation on the mainframe? Let’s have a publicly accessible mainframe for individual practitioners. And I mean for z/OS!   

  1. Open source code (parts) for extensions (radicalize ZOWE and Zorow like initiatives).

Give us more open source for z/OS. And the opportunity for the broad public to contribute. We need a community mainframe for z/OS open source initiatives.

  1. Open APIs on everything.

Extend what z/OSMF has given us: APIs on everything you create. Automatically. 

  1. Everything Unicode.

Yes there are more characters than those in codepage 037,and they are really used on mainframes outside the US.

  1. Automate everything.


  1. Fast and easy 5 minute OS+MW installation (push button), like Linux and Windows.

Ok make it half an hour. Still too challenging? Ok, half a day. (Hide SMP/E for customers?)

  1. Clean up old stuff.

There is a lot of things that are not useful nowadays anymore. For example, ISPF is full of it. For example Primary ISPF screen ISR@PRIM Option 1, 4, 5 7 can go. Many other things (print and punch utilities, really). 

  1. Standardized z/OS images.

Remove customization options. Work on a standardized z/OS image. We don’t need the option to rename SYS1.LINKLIB to OURCO.CUSTOM.LINKLIB. Define a standard. If customers want to deviate, it is their problem, not all ours.

  1. Standardized software distribution.

My goodness everyone has invented something to get code from the installation to their LPARs because there’s nothing there. Develop/define a standard. (Oh, and we do not need SMP/E on production systems).

  1. Radically remove innovation hurdles.

For example stop (near) eternal downward compatibility (announce everything must be 64 bit from 2025 forward). Abandon assembler. Force customers to clean up their stuff too.

  1. Radical new pricing.

Ok if it applies to innovative/renovated applications. (But keep pricing SIMPLE please. No 25 new license models, just 1.)

  1. Quality first, speed next.

Slower is not always worse, even into day’s agile world… Fast is good enough.

  1. Support a real sharing community.

We need the next-gen CBT Tape.

  1. A radical innovation mindset.

Versus “this is how we have done things the past 30 years so it must be good”. Yawn.

  1. Everything radically dynamic by design.

Remove need for (unnecessary) IPLs, rebinds, restarts (unless in rippling clusters), …Kill all Exits (see later).

  1. Delete the assembler.

Remove assembler interfaces (anything is better than assembler). Replace with open APIs. Remove all (assembler) exits (see later).

  1. Dynamic SQL.

By default.

  1. More memory.

As much memory as we can get (at a reasonable price). (Getting there, kudo’s.)

  1. Cheap zIIPs.

Smaller z/OS sites crave zIIPs to run the innovative tools like z/OSMF, ZOWE, Ansible, python, etcetera seamlessly.

  1. Removeexits.

Give us parameters, inifiles yaml, JSON, properties, anything other than exits. Better even: give us no options for customization. Standardize.

For our mainframe users:

Kill old technology. Assembler, custom build ISPF interfaces, CLISTs, unsupported compilers, applications using VSAM or worse BDAM, …

Modernise your DevOps pipeline. Use modern tools with modern interfaces and integrations. They are available.

Re-architect applications. Break silo’s into (micro) services while rebuilding applications. (Use Microservices where useful, not as a standard architecture)

Retire old applications. Either revamp or retire. If you have not touched your application for more than 2 years, it has become an operational risk. 

Hire young people, teach them new tools, forbid them to use old tools. Yes I know we need 3270, but not to edit code.

Task your young people with technology modernization.

What am I missing?

Modern mainframe application development

  • Post category:DBAOTM
  • Reading time:9 mins read

In the previous DBAOTM article on DevOps I have introduced the traditional development process, which is often still used in a mainframe environment. In this post I will present a modern approach to development on the mainframe.

Modern development processes for the mainframe

Requirements for the development process have changed. Applications must be built faster and it must be possible to change applications more often and quicker without impacting the quality of the application. In other words, agile development is needed. The only way to address today business needs into modern agile development processes is to automate all build and deploy processes.

A set of principles can then be derived for modern mainframe develops processes.

  • All application artefacts are managed in the (or a) Source Code Management tool.
  • The build processes for all artefact are automated, and can be coherently executed.
  • A build can be deployed in any environment. A build has no environment or organization-specific dependencies.
  • The deployment process for a build is fully automated. Including the fallback procedure. The deployment process is a coherent process for all application artefacts.

These principles need to be supported by tools and processes that are (re)designed for these purposes. Of course this is not something specific to z/OS applications, but is true for any modern IT solution. But with the background I have sketched in the previous section, there is a legacy of development processes and tools to take into account and in many organizations this implies significant technical and organizational changes.

The modern SCM for z/OS

The modern SCM tool for z/OS needs to support all kinds of application artefacts. For the mainframe this means for one thing that not only traditional MVS-type artefacts must be supported, like COBOL programs, COPYBOOKS and JCL, but also Unix type artefacts like Unix scripts and configuration files in z/OS Unix directories. The tools and processes should allow for EBCDIC type artefacts to be created or the z/OS runtime environment, as well as ASCI, Unicode and binary artefacts.

Modern SCM tools that can manage z/OS artefacts, are ISPW from Compuware, RTC form IBM, and a new option nowadays is Git, or GitHub.

Build automation

The modern DevOps process automates the creation of a build. The build process takes the required versions of the application artefacts from the source code management repository and creates a coherent package of these artefacts. This package, also called the build, is deployed in a (test) environment.

The build could be deployed in any runtime environment, even outside your organizations. This principle not only enforces standardization of processes and infrastructure in your IT organization, it also allows any future deployments in yet unknown environments – for example in the Cloud.

The automated build process itself should be callable through some generic API, so it can be integrated into other automated processes when needed.

Build automation on z/OS can be accomplished with a number of tools. Some of these tools are able to handle the z/OS specific needs. IBM has two solutions: Rational build engine and Jazz build engine. Compuware has capabilities in ISPW. As it stands, all these tools still have some gaps to fill in the coverage of the different artefacts that can make up a z/OS application.

Deployment automation

The modern DevOps process for z/OS automates also the deployment of the application build. The deployment process takes all the artefacts in the build, customizes them for the specific runtime environment, for example through the application of naming conventions and runtime aspects, and deploys the artefacts on the different runtime components in an environment.

The automated deployment process itself should be callable through some generic API, so it can be integrated into other automated processes when needed.

The most important deployment tools available on the market for z/OS are IBM’s UrbanCode Deploy and XebiaLabs’ XLDeploy.

Integration in other pipelines

I have indicated above that the DevOps processes described there must be callable, to use the most generic term I can think of. Since we do not just want to automate the individual pieces of a development process, but the entire chain, this requirement is important.

Only a fully automated Development process – a CI/CD pipeline – can provide optimal speed of development. To achieve this, the integration of build and deployment with other processes like infrastructure provisioning, test data provisioning, and testing is key.

Most of the tools mentioned above have API’s or command line interfaces that allow integration with CI/CD orchestration tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and others.


The agile development process sketched here impacts the way we do other things on the mainframe as well. I will mention a few here.

Full deployments versus delta deployments

The traditional DTAP development process is based on the development of delta’s: you only deploy these things that are changed.

To facilitate agile development in z/OS environments, we need to move to a process that supports full application deployments. What the consequence of this change are is fully clear, but I am convinced the old way of working with delta’s will not give of the speed and flexibility we need today.

Other impact:

  • Phasing in of an application that consists of many more load modules than we have today, while remaining active, needs to be supported in the middleware tools on z/OS.
  • Application may need to become smaller. Traditionally applications are defined relative coarse grained on z/OS. We may need to split up applications into smaller distinguishable, more loosely coupled parts. We might need to reuse some of the microservices architecture goodies.

To facilitate agile development drastic changes in our thinking about mainframe applications is necessary, and in principle no single goodie from the past should be exempt from reconsideration.

Infrastructure provisioning

We have talked about application processes so far, but the agile DevOps process must be supported by the runtime infrastructure. In the DTAP model, runtime environments are static, defined once and gradually changed, when this was functionally needed.

In order to support rapid changes in applications, we must also allow rapid changes in infrastructure. Similar to the build and deploy processes, all infrastructure provisioning must be automated to allow flexible and instant creation and modification of infrastructure for test environments. This also means that environments must rigorously standardized. Definitions of the infrastructure making up the environment must be treated like code, and be managed in a source code management system, where it can be properly versioned. 

Currently the tool support for infrastructure provisioning is very limited. As part of z/OS the tool z/OSMF is provided that allows the creation of provisioning workflows for z/OS technology-specific creation of infrastructure.

Furthermore, there is work ongoing in IBM and other vendors to extend this lower level capability and integrate this is infrastructure provisioning tools like Kubernetes and OpenShift. And also Ansible for z/OS is quickly emerging. Yet, there is still a long way to go but the first steps have been made.

In a future article I will talk a little bit more on infrastructure provisioning.

Please let me know your thoughts. Always happy to hear from you.

The big free mainframe curriculum

  • Post category:EducationGeneral
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Learn mainframe, z/OS and Linux for Z on a shoestring.

Let me know if you have any updates or additions to the list.


Here’s What Happens When an 18 Year Old Buys a Mainframe

z/OS introductory video course

The ABCs of System Programming redbooks

IBM z/OS Basic Skills page in Knowledge Center.

Introduction to the new mainframe

RelevantZ site

IBM Z Youtube

IBM Z YouTube channel

Love mainframe

Open source initiatives


Free training offers


z/OS Introduction and Workshop’HTTPD2.APPS.ZOSCLASS.SHTML(ZOSCLASS)’

Master the mainframe:

Free training at HPI

Many tutorials on Mainframetechhelp

Tutorialspoint on mainframe

Mainframe Playground


Introduction to TSO/ISPF


Introduction to JCL

JCL course


Introduction to COBOL

Free COBOL course from CSIS

Mainframe playground on COBOL

Books (search for 2nd hand versions)

Teach Yourself COBOL In 21 Days

Murarch’s Mainframe COBOL


Introduction to CICS

Db2 for z/OS

DB2 for z/OS: Data Sharing in a Nutshell

Introduction to Db2 z/OS (for programmers) –

MQ for z/OS

MQ on z/os concepts


Introduction to VSAM


Assembler training

Developer topics

IBM System z Tech Video’s

IBM Z Systems tech zone

  • Application Discovery ADDI
  • Application Delivery Foundation for z Systems ADFz
  • zD&T – mainframe for hobiests on your Intel machine zD&T

Access to real mainframe

Unfortunately there is no Community mainframe yet. How cool would that be. 

There is the emulator solution zD&T on which you can run z/OS legitimately (warning: quite cumbersome, slow and expensive.)

IBM Z trials

Gives you 3 days access to a trial environment with scripted tutorials..

When you have a software development company, or if you are rich:

Remote development programme on Dallas System z’HTTPD2.ENROL.PUBLIC.SHTML(ZOSRDP)’

(Will cost you something like $550 USD per month.)